Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's a funny funny world...

You sip your morning coffee at your desk
You think of working a lot, while at rest
You get paid for a job undone
While the other slogs his ass with no fun

You feel you are wasted so you work your mind
And the places you see, you can’t say “its mine”
The real in contradiction, mocks at you
And the unreal moments diminish to a few

You start saying “anyway”, to all things you talk
But living it in your mind, it helps you walk
The two minutes of work, make you feel great
And before you realize you hate it, it’s too late

Flirting with the freedom, struggling to take care
Occasions where you feel pampered seem rare
Envy of one’s eye, she exclaims “I wish I had it like you!”
And you are left to answer whether you’d still be you

You have a dream, someone else follows his
You stay put when you know the things you miss
There is so much you want to do, so little you can
Time passes painfully, time slips like sand

Irony underlines your time, irony mimes it well
You may not word it perfect, but you have thoughts to sell
It’s not really a rough ride, but the ride is whirled
You can’t really laugh, but it’s a funny funny world.

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