Thursday, August 28, 2014


I have had my share of surprises and shared enthusiasm for my birthday. My family and friends understand the excitement associated with it in my mind. Over the past few weeks, I can’t stop thinking of one birthday though. It wasn’t an expensive surprise gift or a surprise party. Something that I had been craving for months or 12 o clock show up at the door. A crisp Sunday morning with the perfect breeze and the sunlight wrapping us in its warmth. Colourful dancing waves of kites adorn the blue backdrop like candy on a tray. We used to love watching the kites….back then. After the morning wishes and my mother's special present, it was time to go up to the terrace to watch the dance. My cousin and my father were preparing to join in the war of the kites while my brother was happy watching the meticulous nature of their work. As soon as I joined them my father took a bright orange kite and wrote “Happy Birthday” on 14th August on it. It accentuated my enthusiasm to the highest level as I saw that kite soar in the sky, fight it out and then land on someone’s terrace. Seeing my disappointment my dad told me that even though the kite lost a war, we saved ample “Manja” to begin another battle. And that put a smile on my face.

I don’t know why I keep on thinking about this day. The fact that I miss him is pretty obvious, I miss him all the time. But what I reminisce about this day the most is that bright orange kite and the enthusiasm with which my dad wrote the date and the message, like the day belonged to me. It made my day and it made a wonderful memory and all I wish right now is to fly another kite marking my day with him….

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