Monday, December 7, 2009

A figment of the imagination...

Some things are just too perfect in your head. Some moments are lived so well inside one’s mind that their existence in life becomes secondary. Needless to say such things happen to people with an extremely powerful imagination. It is like relishing a moment you desire to live, unknown of its occurrence in life, and living it in your head out of insecurity. Insecurity that the moment in its subsistence, so perfect, will never occur in your life. It doesn’t kill the hope though, if not anything it builds on it. The inspiration for the thoughts comes from various sources, a few tasteful movies, books or nature. But never does it come from someone else’s life because if it would, you can’t live it so well in your head. You always imagine the unbelievable and inimitable for yourself, heck you are the star of the movie. On the other hand, knowing that a moment is about to be lived, you imagine countless ways of its occurrence but intentionally leave out the details for the experience. “I have imagined the perfect walk with you by the lake, the moment where something I believed so strongly came true, the slow dances, the smile that I meant with the teardrop, the hug that meant ‘I will take care, the smile that meant ‘you are beautiful’ and the hold of your hand that meant you are the only constant that I seek in my life”

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